Waikato Regional Council's Hamilton Accommodation

Client: Waikato Regional Council

    Waikato Regional Council’s (WRC) head office accommodation in Hamilton East, which comprised of a mixture of seven owned and leased properties was no longer fit for its purpose. TPG was required to determine the shortcomings of the current accommodation, remediation options, alternative options and to develop a strategy to realise an optimum long-term accommodation solution for WRC.

    TPG undertook a feasibility study to determine the current and anticipated future requirements of WRC, and complete a gap analysis to determine where the current facilities fell short based on industry best practice and agreed objectives. It was determined that the status quo, even with extensive structural modifications, could not meet WRC’s requirements. Following these analyses, TPG lead an open market REOI process to identify alternative premises. Extensive due diligence was undertaken by TPG on the Landlord, site, current and proposed improvements of the preferred option in Hamilton’s CBD.

    A project manager was appointed and TPG negotiated and formalised full building specifications, lease terms and conditions, project budgets and through a RFP process identified a workplace strategy and design team.

    TPG developed a sales strategy for the existing head office premises and a proximate property previously purchased by WRC for potential future development to meet WRC’s long term accommodation requirements. The appointment of a Real Estate Agency to market the existing head office premises via two separate open market deadline private treaty sale processes was led by TPG. This process required TPG to evaluate responses and work with the Agent to realise an optimum sales outcome for WRC.

     TPG fulfills an ongoing role on the Project Steering Group Committee through to project completion in July 2020.

    Key contact

    Heidi Rix

    Chief Executive Officer

    We can help you achieve your property goals